Your Board At Your Service
Look for our next annual meeting in the autumn.
MEETNIG MINUTES, etc.: October, 2023: Minutes September, 2022: Minutes November, 2021: Minutes | Agenda | Budget for 2022 | President's Message November, 2020: Minutes October, 2019: Minutes October, 2018: Minutes | Financial Statement October, 2017: Minutes | Financial Statement | Late Fees and Collection revision (PDF) October, 2013: Minutes and Financial Statement (PDF) SUB ENTRANCES: For an established sub like ours, the entrances are beautiful year-round. All this hard work is thanks to your dues and the dedication of your Board, property owners and other volunteers. If you would like to volunteer or provide input, contact a Board member. SIDEWALKS: The township requires homeowners to maintain the sidewalks that border their property, including along Jewell and 25 Mile Roads. Sidewalks are addressed in the township's Ordinances. The Homeowners' Association is not in the position to give legal advice. We merely provide the link to the text of the ordinance for your information. |